Thursday, March 4, 2010

A Thread After My Own Heart

I'm still working on my "irony" post, so in the meantime, here's a link to a thread that you'll enjoy, assuming you enjoy this blog so far.

The details: an article was written by a man named Murray Chass criticizing a group of baseball bloggers for a post the group wrote, which to his mind has inexusable English and math errors. The following article comments then make the point that Mr Chass is a jerk and that he makes mistakes himself.

The fun part: the whole thing soon evolves (devolves?) into more than 100 comments on English usage, spelling and pronunciation, many of which are fairly entertaining. My favorite is the distinction in pronunciation between the three words Mary, merry, and marry, which I don't think was satisfactorily resolved. So anyway, enjoy.

Free donut: a smiling picture of Drew Barrymore